Thursday, October 11, 2007

We Had a Bad Day

People die here. We strive to achieve some day to day normalcy in our routines and the infrastructure we build around the base. We work, we eat, and we socialize in ways to enhance that normalcy. There are familiar comforts from home like Burger King and Taco Bell. We have a large exchange stocked with familiar items from home. We do these things to try and bring comfort and security to what is truly an unnerving and dangerous place. Sometimes these things can bring a false sense of security for those of us fortunate enough to not leave the camp on a daily basis. Sure, stray rounds fly around and the occasional mortar or rocket flies in and hits in the middle of a field. We all laugh it off, make a couple of jokes and press on. Last night proves how thin our veil of normalcy is. People die here, and it happens without warning and with no regard to who you are, or what your role on the camp is. The person with the least dangerous job on base is as vulnerable as anyone else while eating, showering, watching T.V. or sleeping. This is truly a dangerous place....


For details please check this link.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Glad you are ok. You and yours are in my prayers.